[sql] Getting only Month and Year from SQL DATE

I need to access only Month.Year from Date field in SQL Server.

This question is related to sql sql-server tsql

The answer is

select convert(varchar(11), transfer_date, 106) 

got me my desired result of date formatted as 07 Mar 2018

My column 'transfer_date' is a datetime type column and I am using SQL Server 2017 on azure

let's write it this way: YEAR(anySqlDate) and MONTH(anySqlDate). Try it with YEAR(GETDATE()) for example.

SELECT convert(varchar(7), getdate(), 126) 

You might wanna check out this website: http://anubhavg.wordpress.com/2009/06/11/how-to-format-datetime-date-in-sql-server-2005/

My database doesn't support most of the functions above however I found that this works:

SELECT * FROM table WHERE SUBSTR(datetime_column, starting_position, number_of_strings)=required_year_and_month;

for example: SELECT SUBSTR(created, 1,7) FROM table;

returns the year and month in the format "yyyy-mm"

Get Month & Year From Date

DECLARE @lcMonth nvarchar(10)
DECLARE @lcYear nvarchar(10)


There are two SQL function to do it:

Refer to the linked documentation for details.


Output: Mar-2019

This can be helpful as well.



SELECT YEAR(getdate()), MONTH(getdate()), DAY(getdate());


SELECT YEAR(yourDateField), MONTH(yourDateField), DAY(yourDateField);

Try SELECT CONCAT(month(datefield), '.', year(datefield)) FROM YOURTABLE;


Output: 5.2020


Output: May.2020


Some of the databases such as MS ACCESS or RODBC may not support the SQL SERVER functions, but for any database that has the FORMAT function you can simply do this:

SELECT FORMAT(<your-date-field>,"YYYY-MM") AS year-date FROM <your-table>

Try this

select to_char(DATEFIELD,'MON') from YOUR_TABLE


select to_char(sysdate, 'MON') from dual

For result: "YYYY-MM"

SELECT cast(YEAR(<DateColumn>) as varchar) + '-' + cast(Month(<DateColumn>) as varchar)

CONCAT (datepart (yy,DATE), FORMAT (DATE,'MM')) 

gives you eg 201601 if you want a six digit result

convert(varchar(7), <date_field>, 120)
because 120 results in 'yyyy-MM-dd' which is varchar(10)
using varchar(7) will display only year and month

select convert(varchar(7), <date_field>, 120), COUNT(*)
from <some_table>
group by convert(varchar(7), <date_field>, 120)
order by 1

select month(dateField), year(dateField)

datename(m,column)+' '+cast(datepart(yyyy,column) as varchar) as MonthYear

the output will look like: 'December 2013'

Query :- Select datename(m,GETDATE())+'-'+cast(datepart(yyyy,GETDATE()) as varchar) as FieldName

Output :- January-2019

general datefield we can use

datename(m,<DateField>)+' '+cast(datepart(yyyy,<DateField>) as varchar) as FieldName

Try this:


SELECT format(dateadd(month, 0, getdate()), 'MMMM', 'pt-pt') + ' ' + convert(varchar(10),year(getdate()),100)

Result: maio 2019


SELECT format(dateadd(month, 0, getdate()), 'MMMM', 'en-US') + ' ' + convert(varchar(10),year(getdate()),100)

Result: May 2019

If you want in another language, change 'pt-pt' or 'en-US' to any of these in link

RIGHT(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), reg_dte, 105), 7) 

I had a specific requirement to do something similar where it would show month-year which can be done by the following:

SELECT DATENAME(month, GETDATE()) + '-' + CAST(YEAR(GETDATE()) AS nvarchar) AS 'Month-Year'

In my particular case, I needed to have it down to the 3 letter month abreviation with a 2 digit year, looking something like this: SELECT LEFT(DATENAME(month, GETDATE()), 3) + '-' + CAST(RIGHT(YEAR(GETDATE()),2) AS nvarchar(2)) AS 'Month-Year'

I am interpreting your question in two ways.

a) You only need Month & Year seperately in which case here is the answer

        [YEAR] = YEAR(getdate())
        ,[YEAR] = DATEPART(YY,getdate())
        , [MONTH] = month(getdate())
        ,[MONTH] = DATEPART(mm,getdate())
        ,[MONTH NAME] = DATENAME(mm, getdate()) 


You want to display from a given date say '2009-11-24 09:01:55.483' in MONTH.YEAR format. So the output should come as 11.2009 in this case.

If that is supposed to be the case then try this(among other alternatives)

select [Month.Year] = STUFF(CONVERT(varchar(10), GETDATE(),104),1,3,'')

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