imho there are two cases for branches that were forgot to close
Case 1: branch was not merged into default
in this case I update to the branch and do another commit with --close-branch, unfortunatly this elects the branch to become the new tip and hence before pushing it to other clones I make sure that the real tip receives some more changes and others don't get confused about that strange tip.
hg up myBranch
hg commit --close-branch
Case 2: branch was merged into default
This case is not that much different from case 1 and it can be solved by reproducing the steps for case 1 and two additional ones.
in this case I update to the branch changeset, do another commit with --close-branch and merge the new changeset that became the tip into default. the last operation creates a new tip that is in the default branch - HOORAY!
hg up myBranch
hg commit --close-branch
hg up default
hg merge myBranch
Hope this helps future readers.