[html] Infinity symbol with HTML

How can I display an infinity symbol (like the one in the picture) using HTML?

infinity symbol

This question is related to html html-entities infinity

The answer is

Use the HTML entity ∞ or ∞.

From Wikipedia:



This does not require a HTML entity if you are using a modern encoding (such as UTF-8). And if you're not already, you probably should be.

Like ?egDwight said, you can use the HTML entity ∞ or ∞. A easy source of getting these codes, is to look at this entity list.

You can also use them in CSS, which was what I was looking for, just like font-awesome does. A simple CSS based solution would be to have something like:

.infinity-ico:before {
    content: '\221E';

According to this page, it's ∞.


Infinity is a reserved character in HTML. Following are its values in various forms.

  • Hex : 8734
  • Decimal : 221E
  • Entity : ∞

To use in html code

<p>The html symbol is &#8734; </p>_x000D_
<p>The html symbol is &#x221E; </p>_x000D_
<p>The html symbol is &infin; </p>

Reference : HTML Symbols - HTML Infinity Symbol

You can use the following:

  • literal: 8 (if the encoding you use can encode it — UTF-8 can, for example)
  • character reference: &#8734; (decimal), &#x221E; (hexadecimal)
  • entity reference: &infin;

But whether it is displayed correctly does also depend on the font the text is displayed with.