I believe this might be just repeat answer, but just to clarify, I got this on a @OneToOne
mapping as well as a @OneToMany
. In both cases, it was the fact that the Child
object I was adding to the Parent
wasn't saved in the database yet. So when I added the Child
to the Parent
, then saved the Parent
, Hibernate would toss the "object references an unsaved transient instance - save the transient instance before flushing"
message when saving the Parent.
Adding in the cascade = {CascadeType.ALL}
on the Parent's
reference to the Child
solved the problem in both cases. This saved the Child
and the Parent
Sorry for any repeat answers, just wanted to further clarify for folks.
@OneToOne(cascade = {CascadeType.ALL})
@JoinColumn(name = "performancelog_id")
public PerformanceLog getPerformanceLog() {
return performanceLog;