[spring] How to access Spring context in jUnit tests annotated with @RunWith and @ContextConfiguration?

I have following test class

@ContextConfiguration(locations = {"/services-test-config.xml"})
public class MySericeTest {

  MyService service;


Is it possible to access services-test-config.xml programmatically in one of such methods? Like:

ApplicationContext ctx = somehowGetContext();

This question is related to spring junit spring-test applicationcontext

The answer is

This works fine too:

ApplicationContext context;

It's possible to inject instance of ApplicationContext class by using SpringClassRule and SpringMethodRule rules. It might be very handy if you would like to use another non-Spring runners. Here's an example:

@ContextConfiguration(classes = BeanConfiguration.class)
public static class SpringRuleUsage {

    public static final SpringClassRule springClassRule = new SpringClassRule();

    public final SpringMethodRule springMethodRule = new SpringMethodRule();

    private ApplicationContext context;

    public void shouldInjectContext() {

If your test class extends the Spring JUnit classes
(e.g., AbstractTransactionalJUnit4SpringContextTests or any other class that extends AbstractSpringContextTests), you can access the app context by calling the getContext() method.
Check out the javadocs for the package org.springframework.test.

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