[android] Android:java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Failed to allocate a 23970828 byte allocation with 2097152 free bytes and 2MB until OOM

I don't really recommend editing manifest like this

android:hardwareAccelerated="false" , android:largeHeap="true"

These options cause not smooth animation effect on your app. Moreover 'liveData' or changing your local DB(Sqlite, Room) activate slowly. It is bad for user experience.

So I recommend RESIZE bitmap

Below is the sample code

fun resizeBitmap(source: Bitmap): Bitmap {
      val maxResolution = 1000    //edit 'maxResolution' to fit your need
      val width = source.width
      val height = source.height
      var newWidth = width
      var newHeight = height
      val rate: Float

            if (width > height) {
                if (maxResolution < width) {
                    rate = maxResolution / width.toFloat()
                    newHeight = (height * rate).toInt()
                    newWidth = maxResolution
            } else {
                if (maxResolution < height) {
                    rate = maxResolution / height.toFloat()
                    newWidth = (width * rate).toInt()
                    newHeight = maxResolution
            return Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(source, newWidth, newHeight, true)