[android] How do I add a newline to a TextView in Android?

When I define a TextView in xml, how do I add a new line to it? \n seems not to work.

   android:text="Line1: \n-Line2\n-Line3"
   android:textSize="11px" />

This question is related to android newline textview

The answer is

If the TextView is in any Layout (LinearLayout for example), try to change the orientation attribute to vertical as android:orientation="vertical" for the layout or change the TextView attribute android:singleLine="true" to create a new line after it.

Create a string in your stings.xml

    <string name="new_line">\u000A</string>

Then in you code reference the string

val linkString = "This is in the first line.${getString(R.string.new_line)}This is on the second line."

RuDrA05's answer is good, When I edit the XML on eclipse it does not work, but when I edit the XML with notepad++ it DOES work.

The same thing is happening if I read a txt file saved with eclipse or notepad++

Maybe is related to the encoding.

   android:text="Line1: \r\n-Line2\r\n-Line3"
   android:textSize="11px" />

I think this will work.

try System.getProperty("line.separator");

First, put this in your textview:


Then use \n in the text of your textview.

maxLines makes the TextView be at most this many lines tall. You may choose another number :)

Try this:

android:text="Lorem Ipsum \nDolor Ait Amet \nLorem Ipsum"

You need to put \n in the file string.xml

<string name="strtextparkcar">press Park my Car to store location \n</string>

Make sure you are using your_package.R and not android.R

Tried all the above, did some research of my own resulting in the following solution for rendering line feed escape chars:

string = string.replace("\\\n", System.getProperty("line.separator"));
  1. Using the replace method you need to filter escaped linefeeds (e.g. '\\\n')

  2. Only then each instance of line feed '\n' escape chars gets rendered into the actual linefeed

For this example I used a Google Apps Scripting noSQL database (ScriptDb) with JSON formated data.

Cheers :D

Make sure your \n is in "\n" for it to work.

for the new line in TextView just add \n in middle of your text it works..

One way of doing this is using Html tags::

txtTitlevalue.setText(Html.fromHtml("Line1"+"<br>"+"Line2" + " <br>"+"Line3"));

Programatically: myTV.setText("My Text" + "\n" + myString);

Side note: Capitalising text using


or similar seems to stop the \n from working.

I just solve the same problem, put below attributes in xml

android:lines="2" android:maxLines="4" android:singleLine="false"

work.Html.fromHtml("text1 <br> text2").toString() also work.

I think this has something to do with your HTM.fromHtml(subTitle) call: a "\n" doesn't mean bupkis to HTML. Try <br/> instead of "\n".



\n should work.

This works fine. Check it for your app.

android:text="Text 1\nText 2\nText 3"/>

Go to values> strings inside add string


use "\n" to add new line

then add the string name inside the text view


This solved my problem.

stringVar.replaceAll("\\\\n", "\\\n");

For me the solution was to add the following line to the layout:


And \n shows up as a new line in the visual editor. Hope it helps!

If you debug, you will see that the string is actually "\ \r\ \n" or "\ \n", ie, it is escaped. So if you massage that string, to get rid of the extra \, you will have your solution. This is true especially if you are reading from a database.

Just try:

Textview_name.settext("something \n  new line "):

In Java file.

Also you can add &lt;br&gt; instead of \n.

And then you can add text to TexView:


System.getProperty("line.separator"); this work for me.

My 2 cents, using Android TV.

Add \n in XML strings, while reading:

public void setSubtitle(String subtitle) {
    this.subtitle = subtitle.replace("\\n", System.getProperty("line.separator"));

Need to keep

1.android:maxLines="no of lines"

2.And use \n for getting of the next Lines

 android:text="Previous Line &#10; Next Line" 

This will work.

You need to put the "\n" in the strings.xml file not within the page layout.

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