[vim] Paste in insert mode?

You can use this to paste from clipboard with Ctrlv:

set pastetoggle=<F10>
inoremap <C-v> <F10><C-r>+<F10>

And this for yanking visual selection into clipboard with Ctrlc:

vnoremap <C-c> "+y

If you also want to use clipboard by default for classic vim yanking/pasting (y/p) in normal mode, here is a config option that does it:

set clipboard=unnamedplus

With this configs you can e.g. yank first in normal mode and then paste with Ctrlv in insert mode. Also, you can paste text from different vim instances and different applications.

Another option is:

set clipboard=unnamed

Then you will be able to just select something by mouse dragging in your X environment and paste it into vim afterwards. But (for some reason) you won't be able to yank something (y) in Vim and shiftinsert it somewhere else afterwards, which is probably quite limiting.

Vim docs about this: http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Accessing_the_system_clipboard

For pasting from custom registers you can follow the other answers :). This answer is mainly about integrating Vim with your system clipboard.

Note that for set clipboard=unnamedplus and set clipboard=unnamed to work, you need to use gvim or vimx (vim-X11): Those are compiled with +xterm_clipboard. You can optionally put this into your .bashrc to alias vim with vimx:

if [ -e /usr/bin/vimx ]; then
    alias vim='/usr/bin/vimx'; # vim with +xterm_clipboard

You can find out whether or not your vim has the +xterm_clipboard in the information provided by vim --version.