[jquery] using jQuery .animate to animate a div from right to left?

I have a div absolutely positioned at top: 0px and right: 0px, and I would like to use jquery's .animate() to animate it from it's current position to left: 0px. How does one do this? I can't seem to get this to work:

$("#coolDiv").animate({"left":"0px"}, "slow");

Why doesn't this work and how does one accomplish what I am looking to do?


This question is related to jquery jquery-animate

The answer is

Here's a minimal answer that shows your example working:

<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js"
<style type="text/css">
#coolDiv {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    right: 0;
    width: 200px;
    background-color: #ccc;
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
    // this way works fine for Firefox, but 
    // Chrome and Safari can't do it.
    $("#coolDiv").animate({'left':0}, "slow");
    // So basically if you *start* with a right position
    // then stick to animating to another right position
    // to do that, get the window width minus the width of your div:
$("#coolDiv").animate({'right':($('body').innerWidth()-$('#coolDiv').width())}, 'slow');
    // sorry that's so ugly!
    <div style="" id="coolDiv">HELLO</div>

Original Answer:

You have:

$("#coolDiv").animate({"left":"0px", "slow");


$("#coolDiv").animate({"left":"0px"}, "slow");

Documentation: http://api.jquery.com/animate/

If you know the width of the child element you are animating, you can use and animate a margin offset as well. For example, this will animate from left:0 to right:0





$( "#itemToMove" ).animate({
"margin-right": "0",
"right": "0"
}, 1000 );

This worked for me

$("div").css({"left":"2000px"}).animate({"left":"0px"}, "slow");

so the .animate method works only if you have given a position attribute to an element, if not it didn't move?

for example i've seen that if i declare the div but i declare nothing in the css, it does not assume his default position and it does not move it into the page, even if i declare property margin: x w y z;