There are two points I want to make about yield here. First, while a lot of answers here talk about different ways to pass a block to a method which uses yield, let's also talk about the control flow. This is especially relevant since you can yield MULTIPLE times to a block. Let's take a look at an example:
class Fruit
attr_accessor :kinds
def initialize
@kinds = %w(orange apple pear banana)
def each
puts 'inside each'
3.times { yield (@kinds.tap {|kinds| puts "selecting from #{kinds}"} ).sample }
f =
f.each do |kind|
puts 'inside block'
=> inside each
=> selecting from ["orange", "apple", "pear", "banana"]
=> inside block
=> selecting from ["orange", "apple", "pear", "banana"]
=> inside block
=> selecting from ["orange", "apple", "pear", "banana"]
=> inside block
When the each method is invoked, it executes line by line. Now when we get to the 3.times block, this block will be invoked 3 times. Each time it invokes yield. That yield is linked to the block associated with the method that called the each method. It is important to notice that each time yield is invoked, it returns control back to the block of the each method in client code. Once the block is finished executing, it returns back to the 3.times block. And this happens 3 times. So that block in client code is invoked on 3 separate occasions since yield is explicitly called 3 separate times.
My second point is about enum_for and yield. enum_for instantiates the Enumerator class and this Enumerator object also responds to yield.
class Fruit
def initialize
@kinds = %w(orange apple)
def kinds
yield @kinds.shift
yield @kinds.shift
f =
enum = f.to_enum(:kinds)
=> "orange"
=> "apple"
So notice every time we invoke kinds with the external iterator, it will invoke yield only once. The next time we call it, it will invoke the next yield and so on.
There's an interesting tidbit with regards to enum_for. The documentation online states the following:
enum_for(method = :each, *args) ? enum
Creates a new Enumerator which will enumerate by calling method on obj, passing args if any.
str = "xyz"
enum = str.enum_for(:each_byte)
enum.each { |b| puts b }
# => 120
# => 121
# => 122
If you do not specify a symbol as an argument to enum_for, ruby will hook the enumerator to the receiver's each method. Some classes do not have an each method, like the String class.
str = "I like fruit"
enum = str.to_enum
=> NoMethodError: undefined method `each' for "I like fruit":String
Thus, in the case of some objects invoked with enum_for, you must be explicit as to what your enumerating method will be.