[equality] jQuery object equality

It is, generally speaking, a bad idea to compare $(foo) with $(foo) as that is functionally equivalent to the following comparison:

<script language='javascript'>
    function foo(bar) {
        return ({ "object": bar });

    $ = foo;

    if ( $("a") == $("a") ) {
        alert ("JS engine screw-up");
    else {
        alert ("Expected result");



Of course you would never expect "JS engine screw-up". I use "$" just to make it clear what jQuery is doing.

Whenever you call $("#foo") you are actually doing a jQuery("#foo") which returns a new object. So comparing them and expecting same object is not correct.

However what you CAN do may be is something like:

<script language='javascript'>
    function foo(bar) {
        return ({ "object": bar });

    $ = foo;

    if ( $("a").object == $("a").object ) {
        alert ("Yep! Now it works");
    else {
        alert ("This should not happen");



So really you should perhaps compare the ID elements of the jQuery objects in your real program so something like

$(someIdSelector).attr("id") == $(someOtherIdSelector).attr("id")

is more appropriate.