[spring] Spring - applicationContext.xml cannot be opened because it does not exist

I have a Spring MVC application and a problem with JUnit tests combined with the file applicationContext.xml.

In my JUnit test class I write:

final ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("applicationContext.xml");
service = (TestServiceImpl) context.getBean("testServiceImpl");

The error I get is that aplicationContect.xml can not be found:

org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionStoreException: IOException parsing XML document from class path resource [applicationContext.xml]; nested exception is java.io.FileNotFoundException: class path resource [applicationContext.xml] cannot be opened because it does not exist

But it exists in the WEB-INF folder.

So, what's wrong here? Why does the file not exist for the JUnit test?

This question is related to spring spring-mvc junit

The answer is

In Spring all source files are inside src/main/java. Similarly, the resources are generally kept inside src/main/resources. So keep your spring configuration file inside resources folder.

Make sure you have the ClassPath entry for your files inside src/main/resources as well.

In .classpath check for the following 2 lines. If they are missing add them.

<classpathentry path="src/main/java" kind="src"/>
<classpathentry path="src/main/resources" kind="src" />

So, if you have everything in place the below code should work.

ApplicationContext ctx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("Spring-Module.xml");

Please do This code - it worked

 AbstractApplicationContext context= new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("spring-config.xml");

o/w: Delete main method class and recreate it while recreating please uncheck Inherited abstract method its worked

You actually need to understand the ApplicationContext. It is an interface and it will have different implementations based on configuration.

As you are using new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("applicationContext.xml"); , kindly pay attention to initial right hand-side , it says ClassPathXmlApplicationContext , so the XML must be present in the class path. So drag your applicationContext.xml wherever it is to the src folder.

Gist: new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext as the name [ClassPathXml]will look for the xml file in the src folder of your project, so drag your xml file there only.

? ClassPathXmlApplicationContext—Loads a context definition from an XML file located in the classpath, treating context definition files as classpath resources.

? FileSystemXmlApplicationContext—Loads a context definition from an XML file in the file system.

? XmlWebApplicationContext—Loads context definitions from an XML file contained within a web application.

just change the containing package of your applicationContext.xml file.
 applicationContext.xml must be in src package not in your project package.
     src(main package)
         com.yourPackageName(package within src)
         classes etc.
     applicationContext.xml(within src but outside of yourPackage or we can say 
                            parallel to yourPackage name)

I fixed it by adding applicationContext.xml into jar/target/test-classes for Maven project. And use

        XmlBeanFactory bf = new XmlBeanFactory( new ClassPathResource(
                "/applicationContext.xml", getClass() ) )

instead of

        XmlBeanFactory bf = new XmlBeanFactory( new ClassPathResource(
                "/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml", getClass() ) )

I solved it moving the file spring-context.xml in a src folder. ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("spring-context.xml");

I got the same issue while working on a maven project, so I recreate the configuration file spring.xml in src/main/java and it worked for me.

Click on the src/main/java folder and right click and create the xml file. If you create the application.xml file in a subpackage other than /, it will not work.

Know your structure is look like this

|  subpackage/
   | Abc.java
   | Test.java


enter image description here

I was struggling since a couple of hours for this issue because i was putting that file under resources folder but it didn't help me, finally i realized my mistake. Put it directly under src/main/java.

I placed the applicationContext.xml in the src/main/java folder and it worked

I got the same error. I solved it moving the file applicationContext.xmlin a

sub-folder of the srcfolder. e.g:

context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("/com/ejemplo/dao/applicationContext.xml");


val context = ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("applicationContext.xml")

Check the directory path, the default path is /src/ and not /.


This happens to me from time to time when using eclipse For some reason (eclipse bug??) the "excluded" parameter gets a value *.* (build path for my resources folder)

Just change the exclusion to none (see red rectangle vs green rectangle) I hope this helps someone in the future because it was very frustrating to find.


While working with Maven got same issue then I put XML file into src/main/java path and it worked.

ApplicationContext context=new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("spring.xml");

If you use maven, create a directory called resources in the main directory, and then copy your applicationContext.xml into it.

From your java code call:

ApplicationContext appCtx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("applicationContext.xml");

I'm using Netbeans, i solved my problem by putting the file in: Other Sources default package, then i called it in this way:

ApplicationContext context =new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("bean.xml");

resources folder

I also found this problem. What do did to solve this is to copy/paste this file everywhere and run, one file a time. Finally it compiled and ran successfully, and then delete the unnecessary ones. The correct place in my situation is: enter image description here

This is under the /src/ path (I am using Intellij Idea as the IDE). The other java source files are under /src/com/package/ path

Hope it helpes.

The ClassPathXmlApplicationContext isn't going to find the applicationContext.xml in your WEB-INF folder, it's not on the classpath. You could copy the application context into your classpath (could put it under src/test/resources and let Maven copy it over) when running the tests.

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