[javascript] Getting DOM element value using pure JavaScript

Is there any difference between these solutions?

Solution 1:

function doSomething(id, value) {_x000D_
<input id="theId" value="test" onclick="doSomething(this.id, this.value)" />

...and Solution 2:

function doSomething(id) {_x000D_
  var value = document.getElementById(id).value;_x000D_
<input id="theId" value="test" onclick="doSomething(this.id)" />

This question is related to javascript get element

The answer is

Pass the object:


You can get all data from object:

    var value = obj.value;
    var id = obj.id;

Or pass the id only:


Get the object and after that value:

    var value = document.getElementById(id).value;  

The second function should have:

var value = document.getElementById(id).value;

Then they are basically the same function.

There is no difference if we look on effect - value will be the same. However there is something more...

Solution 3:

function doSomething() {_x000D_
  console.log( theId.value );_x000D_
<input id="theId" value="test" onclick="doSomething()" />

if DOM element has id then you can use it in js directly

In the second version, you're passing the String returned from this.id. Not the element itself.

So id.value won't give you what you want.

You would need to pass the element with this.



    var value = el.value;

Note: In some browsers, the second one would work if you did:


because element IDs are a global property, but this is not safe.

It makes the most sense to just pass the element with this instead of fetching it again with its ID.

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