The problem I was having is my css media queries and my IF statement in Jquery clashing. They were both set to 700px but one would think it's hit 700px before the other.
To get around this I created a empty Div right at the top of my HTML(outside my main container)
<div id="max-width"></div>
In css I set this div to display none
#max-width {
display: none;
In my JS created a function
var hasSwitched = function () {
var maxWidth = parseInt($('#max-width').css('max-width'), 10);
return !isNaN(maxWidth);
So in my IF statement instead of saying if (hasSwitched<700) perform the following code, I did the following
if (!hasSwitched()) { Your code
else{ your code
By doing this CSS tells Jquery when it's hit 700px. So css and jquery are both synchronized... rather than having a couple of pixels difference. Do give this a try peeps it shall definitely not disappoint.
To get this same logic working for IE8 I used the Respond.js plugin(which also definitely works) It lets you use media queries for IE8. Only thing that wasn't supported was the viewport width and viewport height... hence my reason to try get my css and JS working together. Hope this helps you guys