We can use various approaches to rename the column name.
First, let create a simple DataFrame.
df = spark.createDataFrame([("x", 1), ("y", 2)],
["col_1", "col_2"])
Now let's try to rename col_1 to col_3. PFB a few approaches to do the same.
# Approach - 1 : using withColumnRenamed function.
df.withColumnRenamed("col_1", "col_3").show()
# Approach - 2 : using alias function.
df.select(df["col_1"].alias("col3"), "col_2").show()
# Approach - 3 : using selectExpr function.
df.selectExpr("col_1 as col_3", "col_2").show()
# Rename all columns
# Approach - 4 : using toDF function. Here you need to pass the list of all columns present in DataFrame.
df.toDF("col_3", "col_2").show()
Here is the output.
| x| 1|
| y| 2|
I hope this helps.