expr match "$LIST" '$SOURCE'
don't work because of this function search $SOURCE from begin of the string and return the position just after pattern $SOURCE if found else 0. So you must write another code:
expr match "$LIST" '.*'"$SOURCE" or expr "$LIST" : '.*'"$SOURCE"
The expression $SOURCE must be double quoted so as a parser may set substitution. Single quoted not substitute and the code above will search textual string $SOURCE from the beginning of the $LIST. If you need the beginning of the string subtract the length $SOURCE e.g ${#SOURCE}. You may write also
expr "$LIST" : ".*\($SOURCE\)"
This function just extract $SOURCE from $LIST and return it. You'll get empty string else. But they problem with double double quote. I don't know how it resolve without using additional variable. It's light solution. So you may write in C. There is ready function strstr. Don't use expr index, So is very attractive. But index search not substring and only first char.