[node.js] Check synchronously if file/directory exists in Node.js

How can I synchronously check, using node.js, if a file or directory exists?

This question is related to node.js fs

The answer is

const fs = require('fs');

check in the function like below,

  // enter the code to excecute after the folder is there.
  // Below code to create the folder, if its not there
  fs.mkdir('<folder_name>', cb function);

Using the currently recommended (as of 2015) APIs (per the Node docs), this is what I do:

var fs = require('fs');

function fileExists(filePath)
        return fs.statSync(filePath).isFile();
    catch (err)
        return false;

In response to the EPERM issue raised by @broadband in the comments, that brings up a good point. fileExists() is probably not a good way to think about this in many cases, because fileExists() can't really promise a boolean return. You may be able to determine definitively that the file exists or doesn't exist, but you may also get a permissions error. The permissions error doesn't necessarily imply that the file exists, because you could lack permission to the directory containing the file on which you are checking. And of course there is the chance you could encounter some other error in checking for file existence.

So my code above is really doesFileExistAndDoIHaveAccessToIt(), but your question might be doesFileNotExistAndCouldICreateIt(), which would be completely different logic (that would need to account for an EPERM error, among other things).

While the fs.existsSync answer addresses the question asked here directly, that is often not going to be what you want (you don't just want to know if "something" exists at a path, you probably care about whether the "thing" that exists is a file or a directory).

The bottom line is that if you're checking to see if a file exists, you are probably doing that because you intend to take some action based on the result, and that logic (the check and/or subsequent action) should accommodate the idea that a thing found at that path may be a file or a directory, and that you may encounter EPERM or other errors in the process of checking.

The path module does not provide a synchronous version of path.exists so you have to trick around with the fs module.

Fastest thing I can imagine is using fs.realpathSync which will throw an error that you have to catch, so you need to make your own wrapper function with a try/catch.



npm i graph-fs


const {Node} = require("graph-fs");
const directory = new Node("/path/to/directory");

directory.exists; // <--

From the answers it appears that there is no official API support for this (as in a direct and explicit check). Many of the answers say to use stat, however they are not strict. We can't assume for example that any error thrown by stat means that something doesn't exist.

Lets say we try it with something that doesn't exist:

$ node -e 'require("fs").stat("god",err=>console.log(err))'
{ Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat 'god' errno: -2, code: 'ENOENT', syscall: 'stat', path: 'god' }

Lets try it with something that exists but that we don't have access to:

$ mkdir -p fsm/appendage && sudo chmod 0 fsm
$ node -e 'require("fs").stat("fsm/appendage",err=>console.log(err))'
{ Error: EACCES: permission denied, stat 'access/access' errno: -13, code: 'EACCES', syscall: 'stat', path: 'fsm/appendage' }

At the very least you'll want:

let dir_exists = async path => {
    let stat;
    try {
       stat = await (new Promise(
           (resolve, reject) => require('fs').stat(path,
               (err, result) => err ? reject(err) : resolve(result))
    catch(e) {
        if(e.code === 'ENOENT') return false;
        throw e;

        throw new Error('Not a directory.');

    return true;

The question is not clear on if you actually want it to be syncronous or if you only want it to be written as though it is syncronous. This example uses await/async so that it is only written syncronously but runs asyncronously.

This means you have to call it as such at the top level:

(async () => {
    try {
        console.log(await dir_exists('god'));
        console.log(await dir_exists('fsm/appendage'));
    catch(e) {

An alternative is using .then and .catch on the promise returned from the async call if you need it further down.

If you want to check if something exists then it's a good practice to also ensure it's the right type of thing such as a directory or file. This is included in the example. If it's not allowed to be a symlink you must use lstat instead of stat as stat will automatically traverse links.

You can replace all of the async to sync code in here and use statSync instead. However expect that once async and await become universally supports the Sync calls will become redundant eventually to be depreciated (otherwise you would have to define them everywhere and up the chain just like with async making it really pointless).

I use below function to test if file exists. It catches also other exceptions. So in case there are rights issues e.g. chmod ugo-rwx filename or in Windows Right Click -> Properties -> Security -> Advanced -> Permission entries: empty list .. function returns exception as it should. The file exists but we don't have rights to access it. It would be wrong to ignore this kinds of exceptions.

function fileExists(path) {

  try  {
    return fs.statSync(path).isFile();
  catch (e) {

    if (e.code == 'ENOENT') { // no such file or directory. File really does not exist
      console.log("File does not exist.");
      return false;

    console.log("Exception fs.statSync (" + path + "): " + e);
    throw e; // something else went wrong, we don't have rights, ...

Exception output, nodejs errors documentation in case file doesn't exist:

  [Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat 'X:\\delsdfsdf.txt']
  errno: -4058,
  code: 'ENOENT',
  syscall: 'stat',
  path: 'X:\\delsdfsdf.txt'

Exception in case we don't have rights to the file, but exists:

  [Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, stat 'X:\file.txt']
  errno: -4048,
  code: 'EPERM',
  syscall: 'stat',
  path: 'X:\\file.txt'

Chances are, if you want to know if a file exists, you plan to require it if it does.

function getFile(path){
        return require(path);
        return false;

The documents on fs.stat() says to use fs.access() if you are not going to manipulate the file. It did not give a justification, might be faster or less memeory use?

I use node for linear automation, so I thought I share the function I use to test for file existence.

var fs = require("fs");

function exists(path){
    //Remember file access time will slow your program.
    } catch (err){
        return false;
    return true;

Here is a simple wrapper solution for this:

var fs = require('fs')
function getFileRealPath(s){
    try {return fs.realpathSync(s);} catch(e){return false;}


  • Works for both directories and files
  • If item exists, it returns the path to the file or directory
  • If item does not exist, it returns false


var realPath,pathToCheck='<your_dir_or_file>'
if( (realPath=getFileRealPath(pathToCheck)) === false){
    console.log('file/dir not found: '+pathToCheck);
} else {
    console.log('file/dir exists: '+realPath);

Make sure you use === operator to test if return equals false. There is no logical reason that fs.realpathSync() would return false under proper working conditions so I think this should work 100%.

I would prefer to see a solution that does not does not generate an Error and resulting performance hit. From an API perspective, fs.exists() seems like the most elegant solution.

Looking at the source, there's a synchronous version of path.exists - path.existsSync. Looks like it got missed in the docs.


path.exists and path.existsSync are now deprecated. Please use fs.exists and fs.existsSync.

Update 2016:

fs.exists and fs.existsSync have also been deprecated. Use fs.stat() or fs.access() instead.

Update 2019:

use fs.existsSync. It's not deprecated. https://nodejs.org/api/fs.html#fs_fs_existssync_path

updated asnwer for those people 'correctly' pointing out it doesnt directly answer the question, more bring an alternative option.

Sync solution:

fs.existsSync('filePath') also see docs here.

Returns true if the path exists, false otherwise.

Async Promise solution

In an async context you could just write the async version in sync method with using the await keyword. You can simply turn the async callback method into an promise like this:

function fileExists(path){
  return new Promise((resolve, fail) => fs.access(path, fs.constants.F_OK, 
    (err, result) => err ? fail(err) : resolve(result))
  //F_OK checks if file is visible, is default does no need to be specified.


async function doSomething() {
  var exists = await fileExists('filePath');
    console.log('file exists');

the docs on access().

fs.exists() is deprecated dont use it https://nodejs.org/api/fs.html#fs_fs_exists_path_callback

You could implement the core nodejs way used at this: https://github.com/nodejs/node-v0.x-archive/blob/master/lib/module.js#L86

function statPath(path) {
  try {
    return fs.statSync(path);
  } catch (ex) {}
  return false;

this will return the stats object then once you've got the stats object you could try

var exist = statPath('/path/to/your/file.js');
if(exist && exist.isFile()) {
  // do something

Another Update

Needing an answer to this question myself I looked up the node docs, seems you should not be using fs.exists, instead use fs.open and use outputted error to detect if a file does not exist:

from the docs:

fs.exists() is an anachronism and exists only for historical reasons. There should almost never be a reason to use it in your own code.

In particular, checking if a file exists before opening it is an anti-pattern that leaves you vulnerable to race conditions: another process may remove the file between the calls to fs.exists() and fs.open(). Just open the file and handle the error when it's not there.


Using fileSystem (fs) tests will trigger error objects, which you then would need to wrap in a try/catch statement. Save yourself some effort, and use a feature introduce in the 0.4.x branch.

var path = require('path');

var dirs = ['one', 'two', 'three'];

dirs.map(function(dir) {
  path.exists(dir, function(exists) {
    var message = (exists) ? dir + ': is a directory' : dir + ': is not a directory';

Some answers here says that fs.exists and fs.existsSync are both deprecated. According to the docs this is no more true. Only fs.exists is deprected now:

Note that fs.exists() is deprecated, but fs.existsSync() is not. (The callback parameter to fs.exists() accepts parameters that are inconsistent with other Node.js callbacks. fs.existsSync() does not use a callback.)

So you can safely use fs.existsSync() to synchronously check if a file exists.