[ios] Looking to understand the iOS UIViewController lifecycle

There's a lot of outdated and incomplete information here. For iOS 6 and newer only:

  1. loadView[a]
  2. viewDidLoad[a]
  3. viewWillAppear
  4. viewWillLayoutSubviews is the first time bounds are finalized
  5. viewDidLayoutSubviews
  6. viewDidAppear
  7. * viewWillLayoutSubviews[b]
  8. * viewDidLayoutSubviews[b]


(a) - If you manually nil out your view during didReceiveMemoryWarning, loadView and viewDidLoad will be called again. That is, by default loadView and viewDidLoad only gets called once per view controller instance.

(b) May be called an additional 0 or more times.

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Examples related to xamarin.ios

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