[javascript] Where does npm install packages?

I was beginning to go mad while searching for the real configuration, so here is the list of all configuration files on linux:

  • /etc/npmrc
  • /home/youruser/.npmrc
  • /root/.npmrc
  • ./.npmrc in the current directory next to package.json file (thanks to @CyrillePontvieux)

on windows:

  • c/Program\ Files/nodejs/node_modules/npm/npmrc

Then in this file the prefix is configured:


The prefix is defaulted to /usr in linux, to ${APPDATA}\npm in windows

The node modules are under $prefix tree, and the path should contain $prefix/bin

There may be a problem :

  • When you install globally, you use "sudo su" then the /root/.npmrc may be used!
  • When you use locally without sudo: for your user its the /home/youruser/.npmrc.
  • When your path doesn't represent your prefix
  • When you use npm set -g prefix /usr it sets the /etc/npmrc global, but doesn't override the local

Here is all the informations that were missing to find what is configured where. Hope I have been exhaustive.

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