I actually got exactly what you (and me) wanted, without the use of await, Promises, or inclusions of any (external) library (except our own).
Here's how to do it:
We're going to make a C++ module to go with node.js, and that C++ module function will make the HTTP request and return the data as a string, and you can use that directly by doing:
var myData = newModule.get(url);
ARE YOU READY to get started?
Step 1: make a new folder somewhere else on your computer, we're only using this folder to build the module.node file (compiled from C++), you can move it later.
In the new folder (I put mine in mynewFolder/src for organize-ness):
npm init
npm install node-gyp -g
now make 2 new files: 1, called something.cpp and for put this code in it (or modify it if you want):
#pragma comment(lib, "urlmon.lib")
#include <sstream>
#include <WTypes.h>
#include <node.h>
#include <urlmon.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using namespace v8;
Local<Value> S(const char* inp, Isolate* is) {
return String::NewFromUtf8(
Local<Value> N(double inp, Isolate* is) {
return Number::New(
const char* stdStr(Local<Value> str, Isolate* is) {
String::Utf8Value val(is, str);
return *val;
double num(Local<Value> inp) {
return inp.As<Number>()->Value();
Local<Value> str(Local<Value> inp) {
return inp.As<String>();
Local<Value> get(const char* url, Isolate* is) {
IStream* stream;
HRESULT res = URLOpenBlockingStream(0, url, &stream, 0, 0);
char buffer[100];
unsigned long bytesReadSoFar;
stringstream ss;
stream->Read(buffer, 100, &bytesReadSoFar);
while(bytesReadSoFar > 0U) {
ss.write(buffer, (long long) bytesReadSoFar);
stream->Read(buffer, 100, &bytesReadSoFar);
const string tmp = ss.str();
const char* cstr = tmp.c_str();
return S(cstr, is);
void Hello(const FunctionCallbackInfo<Value>& arguments) {
cout << "Yo there!!" << endl;
Isolate* is = arguments.GetIsolate();
Local<Context> ctx = is->GetCurrentContext();
const char* url = stdStr(arguments[0], is);
Local<Value> pg = get(url,is);
Local<Object> obj = Object::New(is);
void Init(Local<Object> exports) {
NODE_SET_METHOD(exports, "get", Hello);
NODE_MODULE(cobypp, Init);
Now make a new file in the same directory called something.gyp
and put (something like) this in it:
"targets": [
"target_name": "cobypp",
"sources": [ "src/cobypp.cpp" ]
Now in the package.json file, add: "gypfile": true,
Now: in the console, node-gyp rebuild
If it goes through the whole command and says "ok" at the end with no errors, you're (almost) good to go, if not, then leave a comment..
But if it works then go to build/Release/cobypp.node (or whatever its called for you), copy it into your main node.js folder, then in node.js:
var myCPP = require("./cobypp")
var myData = myCPP.get("http://google.com").result;
response.end(myData);//or whatever