[html] How we can bold only the name in table td tag not the value

Is there any way that I can make CC Quid, Application Number, Application Title and in the same way other thing in bold, I don't want their value to be in bold. Any suggestions will be appreciated..

html = html + "<table border ='0'>";
    html= html + "<tr>";
    html =html + "<td>CC Quid: " +(data.response.docs[0].c_cc_guid)+"</td></tr>";
    html =html + "<tr><td>Application Number: " +(data.response.docs[0].c_application_number)+"</td></tr>";
    html =html + "<tr><td>Application Title: " +(data.response.docs[0].c_application_title)+"</td></tr>";
    html =html + "<tr><td>Application Type Name: " +(data.response.docs[0].c_application_type_name)+"</td></tr>";
    html =html + "<tr><td>Case Mgr Name: " +(data.response.docs[0].c_case_mgr_name)+"</td></tr>";
    html =html + "<tr><td>Filed Date: " +(data.response.docs[0].c_filed_date)+"</td></tr>";
    html =html + "<tr><td>Lead Atny Name: " +(data.response.docs[0].c_lead_atny_name)+"</td></tr>";
    html =html + "</table>";

This question is related to html html-table

The answer is

I would use to table header tag below for a text in a table to make it standout from the rest of the table content.


    <td>98cm x 71cm</td>

Wrap the name in a span, give it a class and assign a style to that class:

<td><span class="names">Name text you want bold</span> rest of your text</td>


.names { font-weight: bold; }

I might be misunderstanding your question, so apologies if I am.

If you're looking for the words "Quid", "Application Number", etc. to be bold, just wrap them in <strong> tags:

<strong>Quid</strong>: ...

Hope that helps!

Try this

.Bold { font-weight: bold; }
<span> normal text</span> <br>_x000D_
<span class="Bold"> bold text</span> <br>_x000D_
<span> normal text</span> <spanspan>

you can try this

td.setAttribute("style", "font-weight:bold");