[command-line] Open text file and program shortcut in a Windows batch file

I have two files in the same folder that I'd like to run. One is a .txt file, and the other is the program shortcut to an .exe. I'd like to make a batch file in the same location to open the text file and the shortcut then close the batch file (but the text file and program remain open).

I tried this with no luck:

open "myfile.txt"
open "myshortcut.lnk"

Also didn't work:

start "myfile.txt"
start "myshortcut.lnk"

This question is related to command-line batch-file cmd command-prompt

The answer is

Don't put quotes around the name of the file that you are trying to open; start "myfile.txt" opens a new command prompt with the title myfile.txt, while start myfile.txt opens myfile.txt in Notepad. There's no easy solution in the case where you want to start a console application with a space in its file name, but for other applications, start "" "my file.txt" works.

The command start [filename] opened the file in my default text editor.

This command also worked for opening a non-.txt file.

You can also do:

start notepad "C:\Users\kemp\INSTALL\Text1.txt"

The C:\Users\kemp\Install\ is your PATH. The Text1.txt is the FILE.

I use

@echo off
Start notepad "filename.txt"

to open the file.

Another example is

@echo off
start chrome "filename.html"

This would have worked too. The first quoted pair are interpreted as a window title name in the start command.

start "" "myfile.txt"
start "" "myshortcut.lnk"

Try using:

@ECHO off
ECHO Hello World!

START /MAX D:\SA\pro\hello.txt

Its very simple, 1)Just go on directory where the file us stored 2)then enter command i.e. type filename.file_extention e.g type MyFile.tx

The command-line syntax for opening a text file is:

type filename.txt

File types supported by this command include (but are not limited to): .doc, .txt, .html, .log

If the contents is too long, you can add "|more" after "type filename.txt", and it will pause after each screen; to end the command before the end of the file, you can hold Ctrl + C.

In some cases, when opening a LNK file it is expecting the end of the application run.

In such cases it is better to use the following syntax (so you do not have to wait the end of the application):

START /B /I "MyTitleApp" "myshortcut.lnk"

To open a TXT file can be in the way already indicated (because notepad.exxe not interrupt the execution of the start command)

START notepad "myfile.txt"

If you are trying to open an application such as Chrome or Microsoft Word use this:

@echo off
start "__App_Name__" "__App_Path__.exe"

And repeat this for all of the applications you want to open.

P.S.: This will open the applications you select at once so don't insert too many.

"location of notepad file" > notepad Filename

C:\Users\Desktop\Anaconda> notepad myfile

works for me! :)

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