[javascript] Check if a string is a date value

How about something like this? It will test if it is a Date object or a date string:

function isDate(value) {
    var dateFormat;
    if (toString.call(value) === '[object Date]') {
        return true;
    if (typeof value.replace === 'function') {
        value.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/gm, '');
    dateFormat = /(^\d{1,4}[\.|\\/|-]\d{1,2}[\.|\\/|-]\d{1,4})(\s*(?:0?[1-9]:[0-5]|1(?=[012])\d:[0-5])\d\s*[ap]m)?$/;
    return dateFormat.test(value);

I should mention that this doesn't test for ISO formatted strings but with a little more work to the RegExp you should be good.