[android] ADB Shell Input Events

I wrote a simple Powershell script for windows users to map keys to adb shell input events. And controll an Android device remotely over LAN. I don't know if anyone finds it usefull, but I'll share it anyways.

$ip =
cd D:\Android\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\; .\adb.exe disconnect $ip; .\adb.exe connect $ip
$adbKeyNum = @{LeftWindows = "1"; F1 = "3"; Enter = "66"; UpArrow = "19"; DownArrow = "20"; LeftArrow = "21"; RightArrow = "22"; Add = "24";
        Subtract = "25"; Backspace = "4"; P = "26"}

while(1 -eq 1){
    $keyPress = [Console]::ReadKey($true).Key
    if ([string]$keyPress -eq "F10"){
        .\adb.exe disconnect $ip
    elseif ([string]$keyPress -eq "F6"){
        $string = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input the string: '
        .\adb.exe shell input text $string
    elseif ($adbKeyNum.ContainsKey([string]$keyPress)){
        echo $adbKeyNum.Get_Item([string]$keyPress)
        .\adb.exe shell input keyevent $adbKeyNum.Get_Item([string]$keyPress)