If you want to see output logs from all the services in your terminal.
docker-compose logs -t -f --tail <no of lines>
Eg.: Say you would like to log output of last 5 lines from all service
docker-compose logs -t -f --tail 5
If you wish to log output from specific services then it can be done as below:
docker-compose logs -t -f --tail <no of lines> <name-of-service1> <name-of-service2> ... <name-of-service N>
Eg. say you have API and portal services then you can do something like below :
docker-compose logs -t -f --tail 5 portal api
Where 5 represents last 5 lines from both logs.
Ref: https://docs.docker.com/v17.09/engine/admin/logging/view_container_logs/