As Cody and Brett mentioned, you could reduce VBA slowdown with sensible use of Redim Preserve
. Brett suggested Mod
to do this.
You can also use a user defined Type
and Sub
to do this. Consider my code below:
Public Type dsIntArrayType
eElems() As Integer
eSize As Integer
End Type
Public Sub PushBackIntArray( _
ByRef dsIntArray As dsIntArrayType, _
ByVal intValue As Integer)
With dsIntArray
If UBound(.eElems) < (.eSize + 1) Then
ReDim Preserve .eElems(.eSize * 2 + 1)
End If
.eSize = .eSize + 1
.eElems(.eSize) = intValue
End With
End Sub
This calls ReDim Preserve
only when the size has doubled. The member variable eSize
keeps track of the actual data size of eElems
. This approach has helped me improve performance when final array length is not known until run time.
Hope this helps others too.