[apache] Adding VirtualHost fails: Access Forbidden Error 403 (XAMPP) (Windows 7)

I've got a XAMPP installation running on Windows 7.

As soon as I add a VirtualHost to httpd-vhosts.conf, BOTH the 'regular' http://localhost AND the new dropbox.local aren't working.

This is what I added to my httpd-vhosts.conf:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerAdmin [email protected]
    DocumentRoot "E:/Documenten/Dropbox/Dropbox/dummy-htdocs"
    ServerName dropbox.local
    ServerAlias www.dropbox.local
    ErrorLog "logs/dropbox.local-error.log"
    CustomLog "logs/dropbox.local-access.log" combined

So I looked up my dropbox.local-error.log for any information:

[Thu Feb 02 10:41:57 2012] [error] [client] client denied by server configuration: E:/Documenten/Dropbox/Dropbox/dummy-htdocs/

This error seems to be solved by adding

<directory "E:/Documenten/Dropbox/Dropbox/dummy-htdocs">
     Allow from all

But now I get this error in dropbox.local-error.log:

[Thu Feb 02 10:45:56 2012] [error] [client ::1] Directory index forbidden by Options directive: E:/Documenten/Dropbox/Dropbox/dummy-htdocs/

Furthermore when I try to access http://localhost, I dont get any error in the regular error.log, although I get the error 403 when I try to access it.

Can anybody help... It's driving me mad :S

EDIT: Also in httpd.conf there is the following (I've seen it mentioned multiple times, so before anyone says it):

<IfModule dir_module>
    DirectoryIndex index.php index.pl index.cgi index.asp index.shtml index.html index.htm \
                   default.php default.pl default.cgi default.asp default.shtml default.html default.htm \
                   home.php home.pl home.cgi home.asp home.shtml home.html home.htm

This question is related to apache windows-7 xampp virtualhost vhosts

The answer is

For me worked when I changed "directory" content into this:

<Directory  "*YourLocation*">
Options All
AllowOverride All
Require all granted  

I'm using XAMPP 1.6.7 on Windows 7. This article worked for me.

I added the following lines in the file httpd-vhosts.conf at C:/xampp/apache/conf/extra.
I had also uncommented the line # NameVirtualHost *:80

<VirtualHost mysite.dev:80>
    DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/mysite"
    ServerName mysite.dev
    ServerAlias mysite.dev
    <Directory "C:/xampp/htdocs/mysite">
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all

After restarting the apache, it were still not working. Then I had to follow the step 9 mentioned in the article by editing the file C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc/hosts.

# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.       localhost
     ::1             localhost       mysite.dev  

Then I got working http://mysite.dev

After so many changes and tries and answers. For

SOs: Windows 7 / Windows 10

Xampp Version: Xampp or Xampp portable 7.1.18 / 7.3.7 (control panel v3.2.4)

Installers: win32-7.1.18-0-VC14-installer / xampp-windows-x64-7.3.7-0-VC15-installer

  1. Do not edit other files like httpd-xampp

  2. Stop Apache

  3. Open httpd-vhosts.conf located in **your_xampp_directory**\apache\conf\extra\ (your XAMPP directory might be by default: C:/xampp/htdocs)

  4. Remove hash before the following line (aprox. line 20): NameVirtualHost *:80 (this might be optional)

  5. Add the following virtual hosts at the end of the file, considering your directories paths:

    <VirtualHost *:80>
        DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs"
        ServerName localhost
        ErrorLog "logs/localhost-error.log"
        CustomLog "logs/localhost-access.log" common
    <VirtualHost *:80>
        DocumentRoot "F:/myapp/htdocs/"
        ServerName test1.localhost
        ServerAlias www.test1.localhost
        ErrorLog "logs/myapp-error.log"
        CustomLog "logs/myapp-access.log" common
        <Directory  "F:/myapp/htdocs/">
            #Options All # Deprecated
            #AllowOverride All # Deprecated
            Require all granted  
  6. Edit (with admin access) your host file (located at Windows\System32\drivers\etc, but with the following tip, only one loopback ip for every domain: localhost test1.localhost www.test1.localhost

For every instance, repeat the second block, the first one is the main block only for "default" purposes.

Thank you, that worked! But I replaced this

AllowOverride AuthConfig Indexes

with that

AllowOverride All

Otherwise, the .htaccess didn't work: I got problems with the RewriteEngine and the error message "RewriteEngine not allowed here".

Above suggestions didn't worked for me. I got it running on my windows, using inspiration from http://butlerccwebdev.net/support/testingserver/vhosts-setup-win.html

For Http inside httpd-vhosts.conf

<Directory "D:/Projects">       
AllowOverride All
Require all granted

<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "D:/Projects/letzgrow"
ServerName letz.dev
ServerAlias letz.dev    

For using Https (Open SSL) inside httpd-ssl.conf

<Directory "D:/Projects">       
AllowOverride All
Require all granted

<VirtualHost *:443>
DocumentRoot "D:/Projects/letzgrow"
ServerName letz.dev
ServerAlias letz.dev    

Hope it helps someone !!

For me (also XAMPP on Windows 7), this is what worked:

<Directory "C:\projects\myfolder\htdocs">`
   AllowOverride All
   Require all granted
   Options Indexes FollowSymLinks

It is this line that would cause the 403:

Order allow,deny

For many it's a permission issue, but for me it turns out the error was brought about by a mistake in the form I was trying to submit. To be specific i had accidentally put a "greater than" sign after the value of "action". So I would suggest you take a second look at your code.

I am using xampp 1.7.3. Using inspiration from here: xampp 1.7.3 upgrade broken virtual hosts access forbidden

INSTEAD OF add <Directory> .. </Directory> in httpd-vhosts.conf, I add it in httpd.conf right after <Directory "D:/xampplite/cgi-bin"> .. </Directory>.

Here is what I add in httpd.conf:

<Directory "D:/CofeeShop">
    AllowOverride All
    Options  All
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

And here is what I add in httpd-vhosts.conf

<VirtualHost *:8001>
    ServerAdmin [email protected]
    DocumentRoot "D:/CofeeShop"
    ServerName localhost:8001

I also add Listen 8001 in httpd.conf to complete my setting.

Hope it helps

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