[xampp] Where to find htdocs in XAMPP Mac

I cannot find the htdocs directory anywhere on XAMPP for Mac.

Many videos on YouTube show people just clicking a button that says "Go to application folder" but on my user interface, it reads: "Go to application" which just opens the localhost page at http://localhost.

Where can I locate the htdocs directory?

This question is related to xampp htdocs

The answer is

Simply click in "Go To Application Folder" enter image description here

For me it was in

/Users/your username/.bitnami/stackman/machines/xampp

I am using Mac Os Mojave 10.14.5

Go to Volumes Tab and click Mount

enter image description here

You can find it under Locations in the Sidebar. Click on it.

enter image description here

Open this folder: Lamp

enter image description here

You can find the htdocs folder inside Lamp, just like the below screenshot:

enter image description here

Note: I am using macOS Catalina.

Simple as ...

From the UI

  • Click Go->Go to Folder then /Applications/XAMPP/htdocs

From Terminal

cd /Applications/XAMPP/htdocs

you installed Xampp-VM (VirtualMachine), simply instead install one of the "normal" installations and everything runs fine.

Make sure no other apache servers are running as it generates an error when you try to access it on the browser even with a different port. Go to Finder and below Device you will usually see the lampp icon. You can also open the htdocs from any of the ide or code editor by opening files or project once you locate the lampp icon. Make sure you mount the stack.

for each easy and useful access you can add terminal command via editing your bash profile, here how:

open terminal -> type cd hit enter. then type nano .bash_profile then add this line alias htdocs="cd ~/.bitnami/stackman/machines/xampp/volumes/root/htdocs" Now hit ctrl + o then hit enter, then hit ctrl + x Now to refresh the terminal commands type the following command

source .bash_profile

Now you can use htdocs command each time you want to navigate htdocs folder.

Open xampp application, then do the following:

  1. go to: volumes,

  2. click the [mount] button, and

  3. finally click explore.

From XAMPP Application window (manager-osx) click => Open Application Folder >> htdocs

Now you opened your target folder.

You can see process by image below

XAMPP Application window (manager-osx)

Open Application Folder

Application (xamppfiles) folder opened

Click on 'htdocs'

Your target folder 'htdocs' opened

Now begin your development

I have installed XAMPP version 7.3.11, After starting the Apache and other services, go to volumes tab on XAMPP, and click on mount button,


And then Click on explore button,


You will get Finder open up with this,


There are two ways to find it:

One way is to open Finder>Applications>XAMPP(FolderNotTheInstaller)>htdocs

Another way is cmd+space and searches for manager-osx,

go to Welcome and click the Open Application Folder.

enter image description here

Click volumes, then explore, and then that should open lampp which has htdocs in it.

At least for macbook (os high sierra) go to terminal and type or copy and paste:

cd ~/.bitnami/stackman/machines/xampp/volumes/root/htdocs

From the Finder menu, click Go->Go to Folder. Type in /Applications/XAMPP

I used this line to locate and edit the permissions under xampp:

chmod 777 ~/.bitnami/stackman/machines/xampp/volumes/root/htdocs/folder