[sql] How to count number of records per day?

I have a table in a with the following structure:

CustID --- DateAdded ---

 396       2012-02-09 
 396       2012-02-09 
 396       2012-02-08 
 396       2012-02-07 
 396       2012-02-07
 396       2012-02-07 
 396       2012-02-06
 396       2012-02-06

I would like to know how I can count the number of records per day, for the last 7 days in SQL and then return this as an integer.

At present I have the following SQL query written:

  FROM Responses
 WHERE DateAdded >= dateadd(day, datediff(day, 0, GetDate()) - 7, 0)


However this only returns all entries for the past 7 days. How can I count the records per day for the last 7 days?

This question is related to sql sql-server count

The answer is

select DateAdded, count(CustID)
from Responses
WHERE DateAdded >=dateadd(day,datediff(day,0,GetDate())- 7,0)
GROUP BY DateAdded

FROM Responses
WHERE DateAdded >= dateadd(day,datediff(day,0,GetDate())- 7,0)
GROUP BY DateAdded

You could also try this:

SELECT DISTINCT (DATE(dateadded)) AS unique_date, COUNT(*) AS amount
FROM table
GROUP BY unique_date
ORDER BY unique_date ASC

select DateAdded, count(CustID)
from tbl
group by DateAdded

about 7-days interval it's DB-depending question

This one is like the answer above which uses the MySql DATE_FORMAT() function. I also selected just one specific week in Jan.

    DatePart(day, DateAdded) AS date, 
    COUNT(entryhash) AS count 
FROM Responses 
    where DateAdded > '2020-01-25' and DateAdded < '2020-02-01' 
    DatePart(day, DateAdded )

select DateAdded, count(DateAdded) as num_records
from your_table
WHERE DateAdded >=dateadd(day,datediff(day,0,GetDate())- 7,0)
group by DateAdded
order by DateAdded

If your timestamp includes time, not only date, use:

SELECT DATE_FORMAT('timestamp', '%Y-%m-%d') AS date, COUNT(id) AS count FROM table GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT('timestamp', '%Y-%m-%d')

SELECT count(*), dateadded FROM Responses
WHERE DateAdded >=dateadd(day,datediff(day,0,GetDate())- 7,0)
group by dateadded


This will give you a count of records for each dateadded value. Don't make the mistake of adding more columns to the select, expecting to get just one count per day. The group by clause will give you a row for every unique instance of the columns listed.

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