Since you have mysql on your local computer, you do not need to bother with the IP address of the machine. Just use localhost:
mysql -u user -p
mysql -hlocalhost -u user -p
If you cannot login with this, you must find out what usernames (user@host) exist in the MySQL Server locallly. Here is what you do:
Step 01) Startup mysql so that no passwords are require no passwords and denies TCP/IP connections
service mysql restart --skip-grant-tables --skip-networking
Keep in mind that standard SQL for adding users, granting and revoking privs are disabled.
Step 02) Show users and hosts
select concat(''',user,'''@''',host,'''') userhost,password from mysql.user;
Step 03) Check your password to make sure it works
select user,host from mysql.user where password=password('YourMySQLPassword');
If your password produces no output for this query, you have a bad password.
If your password produces output for this query, look at the users and hosts. If your host value is '%', your should be able to connect from anywhere. If your host is 'localhost', you should be able to connect locally.
Make user you have 'root'@'localhost' defined.
Once you have done what is needed, just restart mysql normally
service mysql restart
If you are able to connect successfully on the macbook, run this query:
USER() reports how you attempted to authenticate in MySQL
CURRENT_USER() reports how you were allowed to authenticate in MySQL
Let us know what happens !!!
UPDATE 2012-02-13 20:47 EDT
Login to the remote server and repeat Step 1-3
See if any user allows remote access (i.e, host in mysql.user is '%'). If you do not, then add 'user'@'%' to mysql.user.