[post] Special characters like @ and & in cURL POST data

How do I include special characters like @ and & in the cURL POST data? I'm trying to pass a name and password like:

curl -d name=john passwd=@31&3*J https://www.mysite.com

This would cause problems as @ is used for loading files and & for specifying more than one key/value. Is there some way I can escape these characters? \@ and \& don't seem to work.

This question is related to post curl

The answer is

Just found another solutions worked for me. You can use '\' sign before your one special.


Try this:

export CURLNAME="john:@31&3*J"
curl -d -u "${CURLNAME}" https://www.example.com

How about using the entity codes...

@ = %40

& = %26

So, you would have:

curl -d 'name=john&passwd=%4031%263*J' https://www.mysite.com

Double quote (" ") the entire URL .It works.

curl "http://www.mysite.com?name=john&passwd=@31&3*J"

I did this

~]$ export A=g

~]$ export B=!

~]$ export C=nger

   curl http://<>USERNAME<>1:$A$B$C@<>URL<>/<>PATH<>/