If you define
echo "Fun1 from file1 $1"
fun1 Hello
. file2
fun1 Hello
exit 0
in file1(chmod 750 file1) and file2
echo "Fun1 from file2 $1"
echo "Fun1 from file1 $1"
and run ./file2 you'll get Fun1 from file1 Hello Fun1 from file2 Hello Surprise!!! You overwrite fun1 in file1 with fun1 from file2... So as not to do so you must
declare -f pr_fun1=$fun1
. file2
unset -f fun1
unset -f pr_fun1
fun1 Hello
it's save your previous definition for fun1 and restore it with the previous name deleting not needed imported one. Every time you import functions from another file you may remember two aspects: