[node.js] How to make node.js require absolute? (instead of relative)

Some of the answers is saying that the best way is to add the code to the node_module as a package, i agree and its probably the best way to lose the ../../../ in require but none of them actually give a way to do so.

from version 2.0.0 you can install a package from local files, which means you can create folder in your root with all the packages you want,


so in package.json you can add the modules (or foo and bar) as a package without publishing or using external server like this:

  "name": "baz",
  "dependencies": {
    "bar": "file: ./modules/bar",
    "foo": "file: ./modules/foo"

After that you do npm install, and you can access the code with var foo = require("foo"), just like you do with all the other packages.

more info can be found here :


and here how to create a package :
