[css] How to stretch the background image to fill a div

I want to set a background image to different divs, but my problems are:

  1. The size of image is fixed(60px).
  2. Varying div's size

How can I stretch the background-image to fill the whole background of the div?

  border: 1px solid red;

Check the code here.

This question is related to css html background background-image

The answer is

Modern CSS3 (recommended for the future & probably the best solution)

   background-size: cover;
   /* stretches background WITHOUT deformation so it would fill the background space,
      it may crop the image if the image's dimensions are in different ratio,
      than the element dimensions. */

Max. stretch without crop nor deformation (may not fill the background): background-size: contain;
Force absolute stretch (may cause deformation, but no crop): background-size: 100% 100%;

"Old" CSS "always working" way

Absolute positioning image as a first child of the (relative positioned) parent and stretching it to the parent size.


<div class="selector">
   <img src="path.extension" alt="alt text">
   <!-- some other content -->

Equivalent of CSS3 background-size: cover; :

To achieve this dynamically, you would have to use the opposite of contain method alternative (see below) and if you need to center the cropped image, you would need a JavaScript to do that dynamically - e.g. using jQuery:

$('.selector img').each(function(){ 
      "left": "50%", 
      "margin-left": "-"+( $(this).width()/2 )+"px", 
      "top": "50%", 
      "margin-top": "-"+( $(this).height()/2 )+"px" 

Practical example:
css crop like example

Equivalent of CSS3 background-size: contain; :

This one can be a bit tricky - the dimension of your background that would overflow the parent will have CSS set to 100% the other one to auto. Practical example: css stretching background as image

.selector img{
   position: absolute; top:0; left: 0;
   width: 100%;
   height: auto;
   /* -- OR -- */
   /* width: auto; 
      height: 100%; */

Equivalent of CSS3 background-size: 100% 100%; :

.selector img{
   position: absolute; top:0; left: 0;
   width: 100%;
   height: 100%;

PS: To do the equivalents of cover/contain in the "old" way completely dynamically (so you will not have to care about overflows/ratios) you would have to use javascript to detect the ratios for you and set the dimensions as described...

by using property css:

background-size: cover;

To keep the aspect ratio, use background-size: 100% auto;

div {
    background-image: url('image.jpg');
    background-size: 100% auto;
    width: 150px;
    height: 300px;

Use: background-size: 100% 100%; To make background image to fit the div size.

  background:url('image.png') no-repeat 50% 50% fixed;
  background-size: cover;

For this you can use CSS3 background-size property. Write like this:

    -moz-background-size:100% 100%;
    -webkit-background-size:100% 100%;
    background-size:100% 100%;
    border: 1px solid red;

Check this: http://jsfiddle.net/qdzaw/1/

You can add:

    background-size: 100% 100%;
    border: 1px solid red;

You can read more about it here: css3 background-size

Try something like this:

div {
    background-image: url(../img/picture1.jpg);
    height: 30em;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    width: 100%;
    background-position: center;

You can use:

background-size: cover;

Or just use a big background image with:

background: url('../images/teaser.jpg') no-repeat center #eee;

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