[ruby-on-rails] Rails: Using greater than/less than with a where statement

I often have this problem with date fields (where comparison operators are very common).

To elaborate further on Mihai's answer, which I believe is a solid approach.

To the models you can add scopes like this:

scope :updated_at_less_than, -> (date_param) { 
  where(arel_table[:updated_at].lt(date_param)) }

... and then in your controller, or wherever you are using your model:

result = MyModel.updated_at_less_than('01/01/2017')

... a more complex example with joins looks like this:

result = MyParentModel.joins(:my_model).

A huge advantage of this approach is (a) it lets you compose your queries from different scopes and (b) avoids alias collisions when you join to the same table twice since arel_table will handle that part of the query generation.

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