Would it be possible to change your URL structure?
For what I was working on I tried a route for
url: "Download/{fileName}"
but it failed with anything that had a . in it.
I switched the route to
name: "Download",
url: "{fileName}/Download",
defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Download", }
Now I can put in localhost:xxxxx/File1.doc/Download
and it works fine.
My helpers in the view also picked up on it
@Html.ActionLink("click here", "Download", new { fileName = "File1.doc"})
that makes a link to the localhost:xxxxx/File1.doc/Download
format as well.
Maybe you could put an unneeded word like "/view" or action on the end of your route so your property can end with a trailing /
something like /mike.smith/view