[regex] Regular expression for floating point numbers

I have a task to match floating point numbers. I have written the following regular expression for it:


But, it returns an error:

Invalid escape sequence (valid ones are  \b  \t  \n  \f  \r  \"  \'  \\ )

As per my knowledge, we need to use an escape character for the . also. Please correct me where I am wrong.

This question is related to regex

The answer is

In c notation, float number can occur in following shapes:

  1. 123
  2. 123.
  3. 123.24
  4. .24
  5. 2e-2 = 2 * 10 pow -2 = 2 * 0.1
  6. 4E+4 = 4 * 10 pow 4 = 4 * 10 000

For creating float regular expresion, I will first create "int regular expresion variable":

(([1-9][0-9]*)|0) will be int

Now, I will write small chunks of float regular expresion - solution is to concat those chunks with or simbol "|".


- (([+-]?{int}) satysfies case 1
- (([+-]?{int})"."[0-9]*)  satysfies cases 2 and 3
- ("."[0-9]*) satysfies case 4
- ([+-]?{int}[eE][+-]?{int}) satysfies cases 5 and 6

Final solution (concanating small chunks):


This is simple: you have used Java and you ought to use \\. instead of \. (search for character escaping in Java).


[+-]? - optional leading sign

(([1-9][0-9]*)|(0)) - integer without leading zero, including single zero

([.,][0-9]+)? - optional fractional part

I don't think that any of the answers on this page at the time of writing are correct (also many other suggestions elsewhere on SO are wrong too). The complication is that you have to match all of the following possibilities:

  • No decimal point (i.e. an integer value)
  • Digits both before and after the decimal point (e.g. 0.35 , 22.165)
  • Digits before the decimal point only (e.g. 0. , 1234.)
  • Digits after the decimal point only (e.g. .0 , .5678)

At the same time, you must ensure that there is at least one digit somewhere, i.e. the following are not allowed:

  • a decimal point on its own
  • a signed decimal point with no digits (i.e. +. or -.)
  • + or - on their own
  • an empty string

This seems tricky at first, but one way of finding inspiration is to look at the OpenJDK source for the java.lang.Double.valueOf(String) method (start at http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk8/jdk8/jdk, click "browse", navigate down /src/share/classes/java/lang/ and find the Double class). The long regex that this class contains caters for various possibilities that the OP probably didn't have in mind, but ignoring for simplicity the parts of it that deal with NaN, infinity, Hexadecimal notation and exponents, and using \d rather than the POSIX notation for a single digit, I can reduce the important parts of the regex for a signed floating point number with no exponent to:


I don't think that there is a way of avoiding the (...)|(...) construction without allowing something that contains no digits, or forbidding one of the possibilities that has no digits before the decimal point or no digits after it.

Obviously in practice you will need to cater for trailing or preceding whitespace, either in the regex itself or in the code that uses it.

what you need is:


I escaped the "+" and "-" sign and also grouped the decimal with its following digits since something like "1." is not a valid number.

The changes will allow you to match integers and floats. for example:


For those who searching a regex which would validate an entire input that should be a signed float point number on every single character typed by a user.

I.e. a sign goes first (should match and be valid), then all the digits (still match and valid) and its optional decimal part.

In JS, we use onkeydown/oninput event to do that + the following regex:


for javascript

const test = new RegExp('^[+]?([0-9]{0,})*[.]?([0-9]{0,2})?$','g');

Which would work for 1.23 1234.22 0 0.12 12

You can change the parts in the {} to get different results in decimal length and front of the decimal as well. This is used in inputs for entering in number and checking every input as you type only allowing what passes.

This one worked for me:


You can also use this one (without named parameter):


Use some online regex tester to test it (e.g. regex101 )

In C++ using the regex library

The answer would go about like this:


Notice that I don't take the sign symbol, if you wanted it with the sign symbol it would go about this:


This also separates a regular number or a decimal number.

[+/-] [0-9]*.[0-9]+

Try this solution.


This will match:

  1. 1.2
  2. 12.3
  3. 1,2
  4. 12,3

I want to match what most languages consider valid numbers (integer and floats):

  • '5' / '-5'

  • '1.0' / '1.' / '.1' / '-1.' / '-.1'

  • '0.45326e+04', '666999e-05', '0.2e-3', '-33.e-1'


  • preceding sign of number ('-' or '+') is optional

  • '-1.' and '-.1' are valid but '.' and '-.' are invalid

  • '.1e3' is valid, but '.e3' and 'e3' are invalid

In order to support both '1.' and '.1' we need an OR operator ('|') in order to make sure we exclude '.' from matching.

[+-]? +/- sing is optional since ? means 0 or 1 matches

( since we have 2 sub expressions we need to put them in parenthesis

\d+([.]\d*)?(e[+-]?\d+)? This is for numbers starting with a digit

| separates sub expressions

[.]\d+(e[+-]?\d+)? this is for numbers starting with '.'

) end of expressions

  • For numbers starting with '.'

[.] first character is dot (inside brackets or else it is a wildcard character)

\d+ one or more digits

(e[+-]?\d+)? this is an optional (0 or 1 matches due to ending '?') scientific notation

  • For numbers starting with a digit

\d+ one or more digits

([.]\d*)? optionally we can have a dot character an zero or more digits after it

(e[+-]?\d+)? this is an optional scientific notation

  • Scientific notation

e literal that specifies exponent

[+-]? optional exponent sign

\d+ one or more digits

All of those combined:


To accept E as well:


(Test cases)