[react-native] "React.Children.only expected to receive a single React element child" error when putting <Image> and <TouchableHighlight> in a <View>

I have the following render method in my React Native code:

render() {
    const {height, width} = Dimensions.get('window');
    return (
      <View style={styles.container}>
        <TouchableHighlight style={styles.button}/>

It gives me a

React.Children.only expected to receive a single React element child

error. If I remove the TouchableHighlight component, it works fine. On the other hand, if I remove the Image component, it still gives that error. I can't see why it would be giving this error, and <View> should be able to have more than one component inside it for rendering.
Any ideas?

This question is related to react-native

The answer is

I had this same error, even when I only had one child under the TouchableHighlight. The issue was that I had a few others commented out but incorrectly. Make sure you are commenting out appropriately: http://wesbos.com/react-jsx-comments/

Yes, indeed you need to have one child inside your <TouchableHighlight>.

And, If you don't want to pollute your file with Views you can use React Fragments to achieve the same.


or even better there is a short syntax for React Fragments. So the above code can be written as below:


The <TouchableHighlight> element is the source of the error. The <TouchableHighlight> element must have a child element.

Try running the code like this:

render() {
    const {height, width} = Dimensions.get('window');
    return (
        <View style={styles.container}>
            <TouchableHighlight style={styles.button}>
                <Text> This text is the target to be highlighted </Text>

Usually it happen in TochableHighlight. Anyway error mean that you must used single element inside the whatever component.

Solution : You can use single view inside parent and anything can be used inside that View. See the attached picture

enter image description here

  1. <TouchableHighlight> element can have only one child inside
  2. Make sure that you have imported Image

just after TouchableWithoutFeedback or <TouchableHighlight> insert a <View> this way you won't get this error. why is that then @Pedram answer or other answers explains enough.

In my case, I just had to put the element one line down:

This throws an error:

export function DismissKeyboard(props: IProps) {
  return <TouchableWithoutFeedback
    onPress={() => Keyboard.dismiss()}> {props.children}

While this does not throw an error:

export function DismissKeyboard(props: IProps) {
  return <TouchableWithoutFeedback
    onPress={() => Keyboard.dismiss()}>