If you really must round them, there are already very good suggestions here (largest remainder, least relative error, and so on).
There is also already one good reason not to round (you'll get at least one number that "looks better" but is "wrong"), and how to solve that (warn your readers) and that is what I do.
Let me add on the "wrong" number part.
Suppose you have three events/entitys/... with some percentages that you approximate as:
who | real | app
A | 33.34 | 34
B | 33.33 | 33
C | 33.33 | 33
Later on the values change slightly, to
who | real | app
A | 33.35 | 33
B | 33.36 | 34
C | 33.29 | 33
The first table has the already mentioned problem of having a "wrong" number: 33.34 is closer to 33 than to 34.
But now you have a bigger error. Comparing day 2 to day 1, the real percentage value for A increased, by 0.01%, but the approximation shows a decrease by 1%.
That is a qualitative error, probably quite worse that the initial quantitative error.
One could devise a approximation for the whole set but, you may have to publish data on day one, thus you'll not know about day two. So, unless you really, really, must approximate, you probably better not.