[javascript] Getting full JS autocompletion under Sublime Text

I just installed the Sublime Text under Windows Vista, and even following the advice given in this post, namely to explicitly set View > Syntax > JavaScript > JavaScript, I only see suggestions based on what I have previously typed. I even installed the SublimeCodeIntel plug-in, to no avail.

As I understand it, the moment I write "pars" I should get the "parseFloat" and "parseInt" options, as in the Chrome developer tools, right?


This question is related to javascript sublimetext2

The answer is

Ternjs is a new alternative for getting JS autocompletion. http://ternjs.net/

Sublime Plugin

The most well-maintained Tern plugin for Sublime Text is called 'tern_for_sublime'

There is also an older plugin called 'TernJS'. It is unmaintained and contains several performance related bugs, that cause Sublime Text to crash, so avoid that.

As already mentioned, tern.js is a new and promising project with plugins for Sublime Text, Vim and Emacs. I´ve been using TernJS for Sublime for a while and the suggestions I get are way better than the standard ones:

enter image description here

Tern scans all .js files in your project. You can get support for DOM, nodejs, jQuery, and more by adding "libs" in your .sublime-project file:

"ternjs": {
    "exclude": ["wordpress/**", "node_modules/**"],
    "libs": ["browser", "jquery"],
    "plugins": {
        "requirejs": {
            "baseURL": "./js"

enter image description here

I developed a new plugin called JavaScript Enhancements, that you can find on Package Control. It uses Flow (javascript static type checker from Facebook) under the hood.

Furthermore, it offers smart javascript autocomplete (compared to my other plugin JavaScript Completions), real-time errors, code refactoring and also a lot of features about creating, developing and managing javascript projects.

See the Wiki to know all the features that it offers!

An introduction to this plugin could be found in this css-tricks.com article: Turn Sublime Text 3 into a JavaScript IDE

Just some quick screenshots:

There are three approaches

  • Use SublimeCodeIntel plug-in

  • Use CTags plug-in

  • Generate .sublime-completion file manually

Approaches are described in detail in this blog post (of mine): http://opensourcehacker.com/2013/03/04/javascript-autocompletions-and-having-one-for-sublime-text-2/

Check if the snippets have <tabTrigger> attributes that start with special characters. If they do, they won't show up in the autocomplete box. This is currently a problem on Windows with the available jQuery plugins.

See my answer on this thread for more details.

As of today (November 2019), Microsoft's TypeScript plugin does what the OP required: https://packagecontrol.io/packages/TypeScript.