After spending a lot of time, this comment gave me the right result.
Download Python 3.6.8 and install, make sure you add it to PATH.
Install NumPy, scipy, matplotlib and pandas in your pc/laptop with this command in command prompt:-
pip install numpy
pip install scipy
pip install matplotlib
pip install pandas
Go to and right click on filename wheel-0.33.6-py2.py3-none-any.whl (21.6 kB) and copy link address. Then go to your pc/laptop, open command prompt and write this command "python -m pip install" after this command space first then paste the link copied. After install successful go to next step.
Then go this link, and right click on filename "dlib-19.8.1-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl" then copy link address. Then open command prompt and do the same as step 2 which is, write this command "python -m pip install" after this command space first then paste the link copied. then the dlib will be installed successfully.
After that, type python and enter, then type import dlib to check dlib is installed perfectly. the you can proceed to install face which suite for python 3.6.