Modern linear algebra libraries include optimized versions of the most common operations. Many of them include dynamic CPU dispatch, which chooses the best implementation for the hardware at program execution time (without compromising on portability).
This is commonly a better alternative to performing manual optimization of your functinos via vector extensions intrinsic functions. The latter will tie your implementation to a particular hardware vendor and model: if you decide to swap to a different vendor (e.g. Power, ARM) or to a newer vector extensions (e.g. AVX512), you will need to re-implement it again to get the most of them.
MKL transposition, for example, includes the BLAS extensions function imatcopy
. You can find it in other implementations such as OpenBLAS as well:
#include <mkl.h>
void transpose( float* a, int n, int m ) {
const char row_major = 'R';
const char transpose = 'T';
const float alpha = 1.0f;
mkl_simatcopy (row_major, transpose, n, m, alpha, a, n, n);
For a C++ project, you can make use of the Armadillo C++:
#include <armadillo>
void transpose( arma::mat &matrix ) {