[amazon-web-services] Connect to Amazon EC2 file directory using Filezilla and SFTP

I have created an AWS EC2 Instance and I want to be able to upload files to the server directory using FileZilla in the simplest and most straightforward fashion possible.

This question is related to amazon-web-services amazon-ec2 filezilla

The answer is

Make sure you use port 22. Filezilla will default to port 21 for SFTP.

This is very simple if you used your pem file ( I am using MacOS / windows user can follow the same steps.)

  1. Just download your FileZilla (I'm using MacOS - and downloaded free version, that's good enough)

  2. Open Site Manager in FileZilla (?S) -> New Site

enter image description here

  1. Put your host name in the Host field.

Example: eca-**-**-**-111.ap-southwest-9.compute.amazonaws.com

  • Select Protocol as SFTP - SSH File Transfer Protocol

  • Select Logon type as Key File

  • Put your user name in the User field : for me it's ubuntu (find your ssh user)


OS vs Username

Amazon - ec2-user

Centos - centos

Debian - admin or root

Fedora - ec2-user

RHEL - ec2-user or root

SUSE - ec2-user or root

Ubuntu - ubuntu or root

  1. For Key file field, browse your pem file: and click Connect

enter image description here

  1. That's all :) have fun!


(Remember to allow SSH connection to your IP address from EC2) If not you will get connecting error message!

Note: Allowing your IP to connect your aws instance via SFTP

EC2 -> SecurityGroups -> SSH -> Inbound rules -> Edit -> Add Rule ( SSH|TCP|22|My IP(it's get ip automatically | name for rule) -> Save

If anyone is following all the steps and having no success, make sure that you are using the correct user. I was attempting to use "ec2-user" but I needed to use "ubuntu."

Just one minor note to the well explained accepted answer of Yasitha Chinthaka:

Note: FileZilla automatically figures out which key to use. You do not need to specify the key after importing it as described above.

In my case I already had other 5 ppks from other instances that I was using in the past (with the ppk of the new instance being at the bottom of that list). I added the new ppk of my new instance, and it wouldn't let me connect to it. The error message: too many tries / attempts.

After I deleted the unused ppks, I was finally able to login to the instance.

So no, Filezilla is not that smart ;-)

Old question but what I've found is that, all you need is to add the ppk file. Settings -> Connections -> SFTP -> Add keyfile User name and the host is same as what you would provide when using putty which is mentioned in http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-connect-to-instance-linux.html Might help someone.

If you are comfortable using command lines, and use git bash to ssh to remote server (ubuntu, etc) from your PC, you may use sftp as below, works great always, and seems very fast. The pem file can be downloaded from aws EC2 or Lightsail, or any server. In the below command replace the path/namd of the pem file. Also replace the IP address to that of remote server [say remote Unix or linux/ubuntu server.]

$ sftp -i /c/Users/pat/Downloads/LightsailDefaultKey-us-east-1-2.pem [email protected]

Additional commands for actual upload/download using sftp Go to remote folder sftp> pwd sftp> cd /home/ubuntu/mymedia

Go to local folder sftp> lpwd Local working directory: / sftp> lcd /c/Users/pat/Desktop/Camtasia To upload local files to server sftp> put *
Or use get if you need to download to your local PC sftp> get *

Note: this is similar to the ssh to connect to remote using pem file. $ ssh -i /c/Users/pat/Downloads/LightsailDefaultKey-us-east-1-2.pem [email protected]


First of all Filezilla is an FTP/SFTP client/server. We will need to use the client for this purpose.

1) Download the client from the URL: https://filezilla-project.org/

2) Go to AWS management console and then EC2. Select the instance that you want to access and then copy the DNS or IP address of the instance and then paste it in Filezilla host name.

Follow Image: Amazon Instance Access via FileZilla

3) Then, enter the username for the instance that you have created, For Amazon-ami it will be ec2-user and for other OS it would be different. Then, enter the password and port which will be 21 or 22.

4) Then, it will ask for the key, which is in pem format just select the .pem file and then it will confirm authentication. Click on Yes and then you are Done.

Note: In your EC2 Security group allow port number 21 and 22 whichever required for FTP access.

You can use any FTP client. I use winscp and it works just fine. In all these clients; you can specify the ssh secure key.


  1. First you have to install some ftp server on your ec2 machine like vsftpd.
  2. Configure vsftpd config file to allow writes and open ports.
  3. Create user for ftp client.
  4. Connect with ftp client like filezilla.

Make sure you open port 21 on aws security group.

the most simple and straight forward is to create a FTP login. Here is a little and easy to understand tutorial site on stackoverflow itself, how to set things up in 2min... Setting up FTP on Amazon Cloud Server

In my case, Filezilla sends the AWS ppk file to every other FTP server I try to securely connect to.

That's crazy. There's a workaround as written below but it's ugly.

It does not behave well as @Lucio M pointed out.

From this discussion: https://forum.filezilla-project.org/viewtopic.php?t=30605


Agreed. However, given I can't control the operation of the server, is there any way to specify within FileZilla that a site should authenticate with a password rather than key, or vice-versa? Or tell it to try password first, then key only if password fails? It appears to me it's trying key first, and then not getting a chance to try password.

botg(Filezilla admin) replied:

There's no such option.


Could such an option be added, or are there any good workarounds anyone can recommend? Right now, the only workaround I know is to delete the key from general preferences, add it back only when connecting to the specific site that requires it, then deleting it again when done so it doesn't mess up other sites.


Right now you could have two FileZilla instances with separate config dirs (e. g. one installed and one portable).


I just had this same issue today and managed to resolve it by changing the "logon type" of the connection using a password in the site manager. Instead of "Normal" I could select either "Interactive" or "Ask for Password" (not really sure what the difference is) and then when I tried to connect to the site again it gave me a prompt to enter my password and then connected successfully. It's not ideal as it means you have to remember and re-type you password every time you connect, but better than having to install 2 instances of FileZilla. I totally agree that it would be very useful in the Site Manager to have full options of how you would like FileZilla to connect to each site which is set up (whether to use a password, key, etc.) Hope this is helpful! Tim

Also see: https://forum.filezilla-project.org/viewtopic.php?t=34676

So, it seems:

For multiple FTP sites with keys / passwords, use multiple Filezilla installs, OR, use the same ppk key for all servers.

I wish there was a way to tell FileZilla which ppk is for which site in Site Manger

all you have to do is: 1. open site manager on filezilla 2. add new site 3. give host address and port if port is not default port 4. communnication type: SFTP 5. session type key file 6. put username 7. choose key file directory but beware on windows file explorer looks for ppk file as default choose all files on dropdown then choose your pem file and you are good to go.

since you add new site and configured next time when you want to connect just choose your saved site and connect. That is it.

FileZilla did not work for me, I kept getting this error:

Disconnected: No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey)

What did work was the sftp command.

Connect with the EC2 Instance with

sftp -i "path/to/key.pem" [email protected]

Downloading files / dirs

To download path/to/source/file.txt and path/to/source/dir:

lcd ~/Desktop
cd path/to/source
get file.txt
get -r dir

Uploading files / dirs

To upload localpath/to/source/file.txt and ~/localpath/to/source/dir to remotepath/to/dest:

lcd localpath/to/source
cd remotepath/to/dest
put file.txt
put -r dir

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