[git] Git merge master into feature branch

How do we merge the master branch into the feature branch? Easy:

git checkout feature1
git merge master

There is no point in forcing a fast forward merge here, as it cannot be done. You committed both into the feature branch and the master branch. Fast forward is impossible now.

Have a look at GitFlow. It is a branching model for git that can be followed, and you unconsciously already did. It also is an extension to Git which adds some commands for the new workflow steps that do things automatically which you would otherwise need to do manually.

So what did you do right in your workflow? You have two branches to work with, your feature1 branch is basically the "develop" branch in the GitFlow model.

You created a hotfix branch from master and merged it back. And now you are stuck.

The GitFlow model asks you to merge the hotfix also to the development branch, which is "feature1" in your case.

So the real answer would be:

git checkout feature1
git merge --no-ff hotfix1

This adds all the changes that were made inside the hotfix to the feature branch, but only those changes. They might conflict with other development changes in the branch, but they will not conflict with the master branch should you merge the feature branch back to master eventually.

Be very careful with rebasing. Only rebase if the changes you did stayed local to your repository, e.g. you did not push any branches to some other repository. Rebasing is a great tool for you to arrange your local commits into a useful order before pushing it out into the world, but rebasing afterwards will mess up things for the git beginners like you.

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Examples related to feature-branch

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