Here is a script you can use to merge your master branch into your current branch.
The script does the following:
Save this code as a batch file (.bat) and place the script anywhere in your repository. Then click on it to run it and you are set.
:: This batch file pulls current master and merges into current branch
@echo off
:: Option to use the batch file outside the repo and pass the repo path as an arg
set repoPath=%1
cd %repoPath%
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%g IN ('git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD') do (SET currentBranch=%%g)
echo current branch is %currentBranch%
echo switching to master
git checkout master
echo pulling origin master
git pull origin master
echo switching back to %currentBranch%
git checkout %currentBranch%
echo attemting merge master into %currentBranch%
git merge master
echo script finished successfully