[r] How can I view the source code for a function?

For non-primitive functions, R base includes a function called body() that returns the body of function. For instance the source of the print.Date() function can be viewed:


will produce this:

    if (is.null(max)) 
        max <- getOption("max.print", 9999L)
    if (max < length(x)) {
        print(format(x[seq_len(max)]), max = max, ...)
        cat(" [ reached getOption(\"max.print\") -- omitted", 
            length(x) - max, "entries ]\n")
    else print(format(x), max = max, ...)

If you are working in a script and want the function code as a character vector, you can get it.


will get you:

[1] "{"                                                                   
[2] "    if (is.null(max)) "                                              
[3] "        max <- getOption(\"max.print\", 9999L)"                      
[4] "    if (max < length(x)) {"                                          
[5] "        print(format(x[seq_len(max)]), max = max, ...)"              
[6] "        cat(\" [ reached getOption(\\\"max.print\\\") -- omitted\", "
[7] "            length(x) - max, \"entries ]\\n\")"                      
[8] "    }"                                                               
[9] "    else print(format(x), max = max, ...)"                           
[10] "    invisible(x)"                                                    
[11] "}"     

Why would I want to do such a thing? I was creating a custom S3 object (x, where class(x) = "foo") based on a list. One of the list members (named "fun") was a function and I wanted print.foo() to display the function source code, indented. So I ended up with the following snippet in print.foo():

sourceVector = capture.output(print(body(x[["fun"]])))
cat(paste0("      ", sourceVector, "\n"))

which indents and displays the code associated with x[["fun"]].

Edit 2020-12-31

A less circuitous way to get the same character vector of source code is:

sourceVector = deparse(body(x$fun))

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