[react-native] Module AppRegistry is not registered callable module (calling runApplication)

I am using native base for making app in react-native. I am new to both things. When I run the app It gives me this error:

enter image description here

Here is my code:

export default class Point extends Component {

    render() {
        return (
                        <Button transparent>
                            <Icon name='menu' />
                    <Right />

Here is the screenshot of my versions

enter image description here

and nativebase version is "native-base": "^2.1.2"

This question is related to react-native native-base

The answer is

Deleting node_modules and reinstalling it fixed the error(or at least gave me more specific ones)

In my case, trying npm start -- --reset-cache and getting a bunch more errors, I deleted (uninstalled) the app from iOS and Android and yarn ios yarn android did the trick. (If this does not work for you, please kindly DO NOT give me a thumb down. Encourage people to speak, do not discourage them.)

In my case, I didn't import a module in a component that I was using it in.

So, just check if you are importing the module you want to use...

What worked for me was to just stop the node server running and run 'react-native run-ios' once again

For me, restarting my computer appears to be enough to clear this issue.

It's often required after I've switched between branches, or merged branches using git.

I am using Expo

In my case, I resolved the issue by adding the following code in app.json file

  "android": {
    "package": "com.mycompanyname.myappname

I tried killall -9 node command in terminal

then again i run my project using npm start and it's working fine

Just kill all node process and start npm server and run application:

Step1: run command killall -9 node

For windows users, run: taskkill /im node.exe

Run taskkill /f /im node.exe if the process still persists.

Step2: run command npm start --reset-cache

Step3: run command react-native run-ios OR react-native run-android

One of the libraries has not been linked. To check, just comment out in the package.json one by one the latest libraries added.

yarn remove libraryName.

Then run the app with xcode and puf !

1.Close Emülator

2.npm start -- --reset-cache

3.XCode -> Product -> Clean Build Folder

4.npx react-native run-ios

Worked for me for below version and on iOS

 "react": "16.9.0",
 "react-native": "0.61.5",

Step to resolve Close the current running Metro Bundler Try Re-run your Metro Bundler and check if this issue persists

Hope this will help !

Simply Restart Your Code Editor.

If you are using windows and running yarn open cmd on admin mode' terminate and Restart the node process by typing this command.

Find the node: killall -9 node force to kill : taskkill /f /im node.exe Reset the cache : yarn start --reset-cache

Navigate to your project directory: cd myapp Re-Run your App : yarn android

import { AppRegistry } from 'react-native';

AppRegistry.registerComponent('your app name',  () => point);

you just need to close the metro server by control + c and then restart by npm start

Note: If that too doesn't work then just restart your computer, it'll definitely work then.

You should have this at the bottom of the index.ios.js file AppRegistry.registerComponent('Point', () => Point); and also import AppRegistry from react-native

Closing the current Metro Bundler and restarting by resetting the cache worked for me

npm start -- --reset-cache

I was also suffering from the same error for windows OS. I resolved this by cleaning gradlew.

The steps are:

  • step 1: cd android
  • step 2: gradlew clean
  • step 3: cd..

Just closing the metro bundler and rebuilding the app done my job.

Ok guys, here we are my solution for this issue:

  • npm install native-base@latest -g

  • npm install react-native@latest -g

  • change package.json for these dependencies

  • delete node_modules and npm install

  • Open it Xcode and Build/Run from scratch

I hope it helped

simply run below command.

react-native start --reset-cache

I have solved it, just closing the current Metro Bundler and restarting by type comment below.

npm start -- --reset-cache

Need to replace

.setJSMainModulePath("index") with .setJSMainModulePath("index.android")

I had this issue - it was odd because I reset my repo to a time when the app was working. The issue was with my simulator (iOS).

For me the solution was to

  1. kill the simulator program (quit)
  2. then - close the terminal window that is opened when simulator is ran (Metro Bundler) Image of my terminal window

The solution is very simple just kill all the running nodes and restart your node server and rebuild your native application and it works.

For Linix:

killall -9 node

For Windows:

taskkill /im node.exe

For Android native App:

react-native run-android 

For IOS native App:

react-native run-ios

Then finally,

npm start