When spring boot application starts, the embedded server such as Tomcat starts with a default port. The embedded tomcat starts with 8080 port as default. There are many ways to change default server port.
Using Property File (.properties/.yml)
To change server port using property file, we need to configure server.port property.
a. Using application.properties in classpath such as src\main\resources\application.properties
server.port = 8585
The server will start with 8585 port. To get random server port, assign 0 to the property.
server.port = 0
Now spring boot will start the server on a port that is not being used currently by any server in the system.
b. Using application.yml in classpath such as src\main\resources\application.yml.
port: 8585
Server will start with 8585 port.
For random port, assign 0.
port: 0
Using java Command with --server.port or -Dserver.port
Suppose we have an executable JAR named as my-app.jar, then while starting spring boot application using java command we can use the argument as follows.
Using --server.port
java -jar my-app.jar --server.port=8585
Using -Dserver.port
java -jar -Dserver.port=8585 my-app.jar
Server will start with 8585 port.
Using java Command with --port or -Dport in Short
To make --server.port and -Dserver.port in short, we can remove server keyword and make it any short keyword such as --port and -Dport. We can use any short keyword. Here we are using port as short keyword. To achieve it we need to configure placeholder in property file as follows.
Using application.properties
Using application.yml
port: ${port:8282}
If we do not pass the port as the argument then by default server will start with 8282. If we want a different port, then we need to pass desired port in argument as follows. Suppose we have an executable JAR named as my-app.jar.
Using --port
java -jar my-app.jar --port=8585
Using -Dport
java -jar -Dport=8585 my-app.jar
Server will start with 8585 port.
Using SERVER_PORT with SpringApplication Programmatically
SpringApplication has a method as setDefaultProperties() that is used to change spring boot default properties. Suppose we want to change default port then we need to create a Map and put a port with SERVER_PORT key. Find the example.
package com.humoyun;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
public class MyApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication application = new SpringApplication(MyApplication.class);
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("SERVER_PORT", "8585");
Spring boot will start the server with 8585 port.