UPDATE 2017/11/04 - Android Studio 3.0 now has native support for Java 8. gradle-retrolambda
is now no longer needed. See https://developer.android.com/studio/write/java8-support.html
The above link also includes migration instructions if you are using gradle-retrolambda
. Original answer below:
Android does not support Java 8. It only supports up to Java 7 (if you have kitkat) and still it doesn't have invokedynamic, only the new syntax sugar.
If you want to use lambdas, one of the major features of Java 8 in Android, you can use gradle-retrolamba. It's a gradle build dependency that integrates retrolambda, a tool that converts Java 8 bytecode back to Java 6/7. Basically, if you set the compiler in Android Studio to compile Java 8 bytecode, thus allowing lambdas, it'll convert it back to Java 6/7 bytecode which then in turn gets converted to dalvik bytecode. It's a hack for if you want to try out some JDK 8 features in Android in lieu of official support.