[javascript] How to add and remove classes in Javascript without jQuery

I'm looking for a fast and secure way to add and remove classes from an html element without jQuery.
It also should be working in early IE (IE8 and up).

This question is related to javascript html

The answer is

When you remove RegExp from the equation you leave a less "friendly" code, but it still can be done with the (much) less elegant way of split().

function removeClass(classString, toRemove) {
    classes = classString.split(' ');
    var out = Array();
    for (var i=0; i<classes.length; i++) {
        if (classes[i].length == 0) // double spaces can create empty elements
        if (classes[i] == toRemove) // don't include this one
    return out.join(' ');

This method is a lot bigger than a simple replace() but at least it can be used on older browsers. And in case the browser doesn't even support the split() command it's relatively easy to add it using prototype.

Add & Remove Classes (tested on IE8+)

Add trim() to IE (taken from: .trim() in JavaScript not working in IE)

if(typeof String.prototype.trim !== 'function') {
  String.prototype.trim = function() {
    return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); 

Add and Remove Classes:

function addClass(element,className) {
  var currentClassName = element.getAttribute("class");
  if (typeof currentClassName!== "undefined" && currentClassName) {
    element.setAttribute("class",currentClassName + " "+ className);
  else {
function removeClass(element,className) {
  var currentClassName = element.getAttribute("class");
  if (typeof currentClassName!== "undefined" && currentClassName) {

    var class2RemoveIndex = currentClassName.indexOf(className);
    if (class2RemoveIndex != -1) {
        var class2Remove = currentClassName.substr(class2RemoveIndex, className.length);
        var updatedClassName = currentClassName.replace(class2Remove,"").trim();
  else {


var targetElement = document.getElementById("myElement");



A working JSFIDDLE: http://jsfiddle.net/fixit/bac2vuzh/1/

To add class without JQuery just append yourClassName to your element className

document.documentElement.className += " yourClassName";

To remove class you can use replace() function


Also as @DavidThomas mentioned you'd need to use the new RegExp() constructor if you want to pass class names dynamically to the replace function.

Try this:

  const element = document.querySelector('#elementId');
  if (element.classList.contains("classToBeRemoved")) {


classList is available from IE10 onwards, use that if you can.


I'm using this simple code for this task:

CSS Code

.demo {
     background: tomato;
     color: white;

Javascript code

function myFunction() {
    /* Assign element to x variable by id  */
    var x = document.getElementById('para);

    if (x.hasAttribute('class') {      
    } else {
        x.setAttribute('class', 'demo');

Updated JS Class Method

The add methods do not add duplicate classes and the remove method only removes class with exact string match.

const addClass = (selector, classList) => {
  const element = document.querySelector(selector);
  const classes = classList.split(' ')
  classes.forEach((item, id) => {

const removeClass = (selector, classList) => {
  const element = document.querySelector(selector);
  const classes = classList.split(' ')
  classes.forEach((item, id) => {

addClass('button.submit', 'text-white color-blue') // add text-white and color-blue classes
removeClass('#home .paragraph', 'text-red bold') // removes text-red and bold classes

For future friendliness, I second the recommendation for classList with polyfill/shim: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/classList#wrapper

var elem = document.getElementById( 'some-id' );
elem.classList.add('some-class'); // Add class
elem.classList.remove('some-other-class'); // Remove class
elem.classList.toggle('some-other-class'); // Add or remove class
if ( elem.classList.contains('some-third-class') ) { // Check for class

Another approach to add the class to element using pure JavaScript

For adding class:


For removing class:


Note: but not supported in IE <= 9 or Safari <=5.0