[node.js] MomentJS getting JavaScript Date in UTC

I am not able to get the JavaScript Date string for MongoDB record via the following. It keeps using my local time.

var utc = moment.utc().valueOf();


Tue Nov 11 2014 14:42:51 GMT-0500 (EST)

I need it to be in UTC, so I can stick this timestamp in Mongo so type would be Date.

How can I do that?

This question is related to node.js momentjs

The answer is

Or simply:


From MDN documentation:

The Date.now() method returns the number of milliseconds elapsed since January 1, 1970

Available since ECMAScript 5.1

It's the same as was mentioned above (new Date().getTime()), but more shortcutted version.

Calling toDate will create a copy (the documentation is down-right wrong about it not being a copy), of the underlying JS Date object. JS Date object is stored in UTC and will always print to eastern time. Without getting into whether .utc() modifies the underlying object that moment wraps use the code below.

You don't need moment for this.

new Date().getTime()

This works, because JS Date at its core is in UTC from the Unix Epoch. It's extraordinarily confusing and I believe a big flaw in the interface to mix local and UTC times like this with no descriptions in the methods.